Orchard’s Green – Development Update, July 2017
Hopkins Homes have completed the purchase of the phase 1 land adjacent to the school. They have
prepared detailed plans for 199 new homes and are currently working with East Cambridgeshire
District Council to obtain the necessary approvals prior to commencement of development. It is
likely that Hopkins will establish a sales complex at the end of this year. They are targeting first
occupations by June 2018.
Phase 2 of Orchard’s Green, off Lynn Road, has just been marketed and bids are being reviewed. We
hope to be able to announce a development partner by the end of this year.
Endurance Estates, East Cambridgeshire and Hopkins Homes are looking to establish a community
forum in advance of works starting on site. It is likely to be held at the Isle of Ely primary school.
Further details will be provided next term.
If you would like any further information, please contact:
office@endurance-estates.co.uk or