Welcome to our nursery page!

Adults in our nursery:

Miss Natalie Lewis                          Dr Anna Sandfield        Mrs Claire Lloyd                  

EYFS Lead and Class Teacher        Class Teacher (M-W)    Learning Support Assistants

Miss Isabel Pile                      Miss Tanjum Choudhury

Our learning: 

Here at Little Elvers, we have lots of fun following the children's interests to guide our learning. The children love learning through play in our engaging indoor and outdoor environments. We also use the Primary Knowledge Curriculum to enhance the children's learning. 

Autumn Term 1 - All About Me

Primary Knowledge Curriculum Unit

This half term, we will learn ‘All About Me’. We will learn the names of the parts of the face and body, how their bodies have changed since they were born, who members of our family are and who the people that help us in our local community are.

Characteristics of Effective Learning

The children will be getting settled into our lovely environment. They will be engaging and playing with the learning resources in our indoor and outdoor areas. We will be supporting the children to ‘have a go’ at new activities.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will be learning how to say hello, how to make new friends, share resources and find solutions to problems they may encounter during play.

Physical Development

We will be exploring gross motor skills including large-scale mark-making and fine-motor skills. A range of outdoor equipment is available to help the children develop their gross motor skills. Different fine motor skills activities are available for the children to try, as well as a large variety of other learning resources that use fine motor skills.

Communication and Language

We will be exploring how to talk to new friends and how to manage play in a kind and considerate way. We will be learning the words ‘family’, ‘community’ and ‘emergency’ through our Primary Knowledge Curriculum Unit. 


In Little Elvers, we have a lovely reading nook with a large variety of fiction and non-fiction books. We have a daily story time in which a book is shared with the children. Please see our weekly news flashes below to see which books the children have enjoyed that week! Mark making opportunities are always available for the children to explore.


We will practice reciting numbers to 5. We will make a start at delving deeper into each number to really understand what each number means and how you could represent it. Alongside this, we will start to build our understanding of 2D shape.

Understanding the World

We will be learning all about our bodies, our families, our school and the community around us. We will also be learning all about the emergency services that help us. 

Expressive Arts and Design

The children always have access to a variety of craft materials in order to express themselves and have fun creating! We will be creating self-portraits using paper plates, making play dough families and creating emergency vehicles in our junk modelling area. 


Weekly newsflash: 

W/C: 04.09.24 and 09.09.24

We had a fantastic first week in Little Elvers. The children have settled into nursery and are having a great time exploring the new environment. This week, the children have really enjoyed exploring a wide variety of arts activities including using stencils, colouring pencils, felt tip pens, paint and play dough. The children have enjoyed exploring our small world area and working together to create towers with our wooden blocks. Outside, the children have really enjoyed creating obstacle courses using balance steps, wooden walk ways, cones and hula hoops! It has been lovely to support the children in making new friends and settle into the new routine of nursery. Well done for a brilliant first week!


W/C: 16.09.24

The children have continued to settle in this week. We have been looking at each of the areas in our classroom and how to use them. The children have enjoyed learning about how to use the book corner, construction area, small world area, home corner and water station. We look forward to exploring our other areas next week! The children are being reminded about how to follow our school rules of "ready", "respect" and "safe" whilst learning at Little Elvers. In our together times, we have started to cover our Primary Knowledge Curriculum unit of "All About Me". The children have started to name different parts of their body and talk about what they are used for. Well done Little Elvers!


W/C: 23.09.24

This week, the children have loved listening to the story "Owl Babies" and "Dino-Baby". These stories have helped us in our "All About Me" unit. The children have enjoyed learning some nursery rhymes too! We have learned and practised "Five Fat Sausages", "Wind the Bobbin up", "I'm a Little Teapot", "The Grand Old Duke of York" and "The Big Ship Sails" since the start of term. We are getting very confident now! We have also started to use our "Recognition Tree", where the adults name children who have been following our school rules and show great examples of "ready", "respect" and "safe"! Another excellent week in Little Elvers!