Welcome to our nursery page!

Adults in our nursery:

Mrs Natalie Reali  Dr Anna Sandfield        Mrs Claire Lloyd                  

EYFS Lead and Class Teacher        Class Teacher (M-W)    Learning Support Assistants

Miss Isabel Pile                      Miss Tanjum Choudhury

Our learning: 

Here at Little Elvers, we have lots of fun following the children's interests to guide our learning. The children love learning through play in our engaging indoor and outdoor environments. We also use the Primary Knowledge Curriculum to enhance the children's learning. 

Spring Term 1 - Dinosaurs

Primary Knowledge Curriculum Unit

This half term, our Primary Knowledge Curriculum unit is called ‘Dinosaurs’. We will learn that dinosaurs lived a very long time ago. We will also learn that palaeontologists are people who study dinosaurs.  You can find a knowledge organiser here: Dinosaurs

Characteristics of Effective Learning

The children settled in beautifully last term. They will help the new children to settle into our class routines. They will be engaging and playing with the learning resources in our indoor and outdoor areas. We will be supporting the children to ‘have a go’ at new activities and persist with activities when challenges occur.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We will be learning how to share resources and find solutions to problems they may encounter during play. We will be using “stop please” with a raised hand to help the children communicate with others. We will be learning about the emotions of happy, sad and angry. We will also learn about our school rules of "Safe, Ready and Respect".

Physical Development

We will be exploring gross motor skills including large-scale mark-making and fine-motor skills. A range of outdoor equipment is available to help the children develop their gross motor skills. Different fine motor skills activities are available for the children to try, as well as a large variety of other learning resources that use fine motor skills.

Communication and Language

We will be exploring how to talk to friends politely and how to manage play in a kind and considerate way. We will be learning the words ‘dinosaurs’, ‘fossils’ and ‘palaeontologists’ through our Primary Knowledge Curriculum Unit. 


In Little Elvers, we have a lovely reading nook with a large variety of fiction and non-fiction books. We have a daily story time in which a book is shared with the children.  Mark making opportunities are always available for the children to explore.


We will practice reciting numbers to 5. We will make a start at delving deeper into each number to really understand what each number means and how you could represent it. Alongside this, we will start to build our understanding of 2D shape.

Understanding the World

We will be learning all about dinosaurs that lived a very long time ago. Fossils tell us what life was like a very long time ago. 

Expressive Arts and Design

The children always have access to a variety of craft materials in order to express themselves and have fun creating! We will be printing using toy dinosaurs and creating dinosaur sculptures using clay.


Weekly newsflash:


W/C: 13.01.25

This week we have continued learning about dinosaurs and what it means for things to have happened ‘in the past’. The Little Elvers enjoyed telling us about when they were babies, in the past. We talked about how different the world was when dinosaurs were living on Earth and the Little Elvers were very curious about the Tyrannosaurus Rex, how they moved, their diet and where they lived. We all shared the story ‘Rex’ by Simon James and asked some great questions about dinosaur eggs. The Little Elvers have been exploring the idea of volcanoes through play and Mrs Lloyd constructed a wonderful baking soda-volcano. We were all very excited to see it erupt! In the classroom this week we have also been sharing our important rule, ‘choose it, play it, put it away’ and showing that we can put our toys away to keep everyone safe and show respect.

W/C: 06.01.25

I am so proud of our Little Elvers! The children who started in September or prior have been such good friends to the children who were new this week! They have been kind and helped the new children understand where our toys are and how to make good choices. The children have loved exploring the frost and ice outside. This has lead to lots of brilliant questioning about ice and the weather. It has also given us the chance to make marks in the frost with large sweeping brushes, sponges and small painting brushes. We have also started our learning about dinosaurs and we excited to delve deeper into this learning next week! Well done Little Elvers!