Welcome to Year 3

Wasp and Earwig are our Year 3 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.

Children have PE on Friday and go swimming on Monday (wasps) and Wednesday (earwigs). They will need to arrive in their P.E. kits on these days.

We will also be updating our website with pictures, work and more!

Who works in Year 3:

Miss Lucy Peck           Mrs Fruzsina Radnothy    Mrs Ilmie Yasan


Miss Michelle Reitinger     Mrs Amy Wreathall


Our Curriculum:

This half term we will be learning:


In Talk for Writing, our non-fiction unit will be based on the instruction text How to Trap a Troll.  We will be learning how to use imperative verbs, time conjunctions and bullet points to organise lists.


 In maths we will continue multiplication and division and be able to multiply a two digit number by a one digit number.  We will also begin to look at length and perimeter.


Our science topic is light. This will include studying light and dark, shadows and different light sources.


In history, we will study new arrivals in Britain, focussing on the Anglo- Saxons. We will look at how Britain was once divided into different Kingdoms and how the Vikings invaded.


In geography, pupils will be focusing on settlements. We will look at the different types of settlements that can be found in urban and rural areas.


P.E. will be on a Monday with the class teacher and Friday with the sports coaches. Pupils will be focussing on ball skills and on Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA)

R.E (Religious Education)

In R.E., pupils will learning about Christianity and the different Saints of God.


In Spanish pupils will be learning about animals.

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

Our PSHE this half-term will look at dreams and goals.


Our art topic is about sculptures, architecture, and wall paintings of Ancient Egypt.

D&T (Design and  Technology)

 We will not study DT this half term.


In music pupils will learn Vivaldi's Winter


Pupils will be learning about coding through the program Scratch.  Children can access Scratch at home by using this website: scratch.mit.edu

Home Learning

 All pupils can also access TTRockstars at home. You may also wish to find additional activities on Oak Academy or BBC bitesize.

This is a link to all the common exception word spellings from Year 1 to Year 4 for you to practise with your child at home. 

Common Exception Words spelling mat


Knowledge Organisers:

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.





Religious Education





Our current spelling words:                                                                                    Our class text:



Weekly newsflash

Week beginning: 6th January

Year 3 have returned to school in good spirits and have settled back into their routines well.  We have had a busy week with all of the new units that we have started.  In English, we have started learning our instructional text, 'How to Trap a Troll', and the children are all enjoying this text.  We are continuing to learn about multiplication and division in maths.  We have started to multiply numbers that are multiples of 10 by single digits and looking at relationships in multiplication.  In, science we have started our new unit on light and about how important light is to survive. We have begun to learn about Vivaldi's Winter in music and discovering how the instruments, tempo and pitch could match winter winter weather.  In history, we are learning about new arrivals in Britain and how Britain was once made up on seven kingdoms.  In Geography, we are learning about different types of settlements, such as villages and cities.  We have begun to learn about art of Ancient Egypt and some of the wall paintings, architecture and sculptures that we made at that time.  We have started learning coding by using Scratch in our computing lessons.  We have been thinking about our dreams and goals in PSHE.  There are many goals that the children have for the end of Year 3!  What a great start to 2025!