PE Curriculum:


PE in Reception aims to develop the three prime areas of learning with regards to the Early Year Foundation Stage Curriculum. The three main areas include, Physical Development, Communication and Language and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. In PE sessions the key focus is to develop the children’s fundamental skills which include: balance, coordination and agility. We also teach the children how to travel in space using a range of speeds, how to control objects such as balls and bean bags and how to use the resources safely. We develop these skills through a creative curriculum which is provides a range of opportunities, is motivating and fun.  

Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1 we teach children to master basics skills, such as, running, jumping, throwing and catching and continuing to develop the fundamental skills learned in EYFS.  The children are able to develop these skills through a range of learning opportunities, both independently and with others. The children will take part in small competitive games, with the aim of the developing tactics for attacking and defending. In dance the children will learn simple dance patterns.  The children are encouraged to use their own creativity to link movements together. In each PE session, the children are presented with an Enabling Enterprise skill which we aim to focus on and develop throughout the session. Children will have the opportunity, through the Witchford Partnership, to attend various events, such as, playground games and circus skills throughout Key Stage One. The partnership also provides additional coaching throughout the year for activities, such as, Tennis, Tag Rugby and Multi-skills. Children will also get the chance to attend the local swimming pool to develop their competence, confidence and proficiency at swimming. At the end of the year the children take part in a whole school sports day.

Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 we look to ensure that we continue to apply and develop a broad range of skills, with the children thinking about how they can adapt the skills in different ways. In line with the National Curriculum the children will take part in competitive games, modified where necessary. Some of the competitive games that the children will take part in include Hockey, Football and Tennis. Although the children will take part in competitive games, we will encourage the children to evaluate their own learning  In order to develop individual’s flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance the children will take part in activities, such as, Athletics, Gymnastics and Pilates. Children will continue into Year 3 having the opportunity to attend various events, such as, Cross Country, Gymnastics, Speed stacking and Tag Rugby competitions.  The children will also take part in organised events and competitions throughout the year.  


PE Sports Premium 

Schools can choose how they use the funding, for example to:

  • Hire specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers during PE lessons
  • Support and involve the least active children by running after-school sports clubs and holiday clubs,
  • Provide resources and training courses in PE and sport for teachers,
  • Organise sports competitions or increase pupils’ participation in PE,
  • Arrange sports activities with other schools.

At Isle of Ely Primary School we are committed to spending the PE premium in a sustainable way that will impact on the health and wellbeing of our children. We want to raise participation and attainment in PE across our school.






PE Premium funds have been spent to develop the sustainability of sports provisions within the school. All teaching staff at Isle of Ely Primary School have had PE development training in their staff meetings this year, led Witchford Sports’ Partnership. Teachers are upskilled and confident in following the structure of a good PE lesson and teaching a skills based curriculum. Therefore the provision is better. Children have experienced a range of sports to explore further. Unique sports are being explored to engage and enthuse a wider group of children into keeping active and developing competitiveness during lunch time and after school clubs.


Year 6 Competent Swimmers


20 children from Year 6 received catch-up swimming lesson.


11 children from Year 6 received catch-up swimming lesson.