Welcome to Year 5

Ant and Mayfly are our Year 5 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.

Who works in our classroom?


Mrs Jo Branson                 Mrs Berrill                      Mrs Del Grazia



In Year 5 this term, we will be learning:


Unit of Work


This half term, we will be focusing on the fictional story, The Maasai’s Dream. With this text, we will focus on the tools for describing ‘character’ such as:

  • Using show not tell verbs
  • Revealing the main character’s desires
  • Describing how the character develops
  • Adding relative clauses for extra detail

By the end of the unit, children will write their own wishing story using these tools.


The children will be learning about fractions.

 Including finding equivalents, adding and subtracting fractions.


This half term, we will be looking at Materials. We will be exploring their properties and whether or not they are soluble. We will also investigate reversible and irreversible changes and learn how matter can change.


This half term, the children will be discovering all about the Early British Empire. They will be learning about the origins of global trade, the East India Company and the motivation of the British to build an empire.


The children will be learning about mountains, discovering their different features. We will be looking at the world’s most famous mountains.

Physical Education

The children will be learning more in dodgeball (Wednesday) and volleyball (Friday). Please make sure children come into school in their PE kits on these days, bringing plenty of water and weather appropriate clothes.

Religious Education

This half term, the children will be learning about ‘Living Christianity in Action’. We will be focusing on how their religion impacts their personal life such as charity and missions.


We will be learning how to describe our local area, including names for places such as pharmacy and supermarket. We will also be learning how to ask for directions.

Personal, Social and Health Education

This term, the children will be focusing on ‘Anti-Bullying’, as well as looking at ‘Celebrating Differences’ together.

Design and Technology

This half term we will have a DT focus on toys using cams.


This term, our focus for the children will be revisiting some further elements of art; form, symmetry, light and space, designing a piece using these features.


The children will be learning how to make stop-motion animation.


We are focusing the song ‘This Little Babe’ and the music of Benjamin Britten.


Our Class Text is:

Dragon Mountain by Katie and Kevin Tsang


Knowledge Organisers

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.









Jigsaw PSHE


What have we been up to?

Week commencing 9/12/24

This week pupils have planned and written their own wishing tale, making sure they show how the characters are feeling. Ask them to tell you their story using the writers tools we have learnt.
In maths, we have completed our unit on fractions, learning how to subtract mixed numbers and improper fractions. We have made a double page spread of all our knowledge about mountains in geography and worked out how to separate a mixture of pebbles, salt, iron nails and water. In computing, the children experimented with different camera angles and in PSHE they have learnt about direct and indirect bullying.

Week commencing 2/12/24

This week, Year 5 have been practicing using the writers tools for character - using power of three to show feelings, fronted adverbials to show how they speak or act and showing a characters thoughts. In maths, we have continued to work with fractions, learning how to add and subtract them. Our spellings this week have been to choose the correct spelling from -tion, -ssion, -sion and -cian.

In geography we have learnt about the volcanic mountains of Africa, and in science we compared reversible and irreversible reactions. In PSHE, we have discussed bullying and rumours and in art, the children made collage mountain pictures.


Week commencing 25/11/2024

What a lovely trip Year 5 had this week in Cambridge! Ant's class mascot (King Tony) also accompanied the children and took some photos of his exciting day to share with you all. While we were out, both classes learnt all about extreme environments at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, and studied the features of a church at Little St Mary's church. Back in school this week, we have started our new English unit - all about character and continued our fraction work in Maths. Please do ask us about our knowledge of the Seven Year War from our history sessions and mountains from geography, the children know an impressive amount!


Week commencing 4/11/24

It was an exciting start to the half-term with a visit to Ely Cathedral for the Ely College Careers Fair. The children showed great enthusiasm for talking to the different employer and college representatives and we were very proud of their mature attitudes.  In English, we have continues to focus on persuasive writing, by planning a hot write.  In maths, we have begun a new unit looking at how to find equivalent fractions.  Pupils thought about the properties of different materials in science and located mountain ranges and mountains in the atlas for geography.  In RE, we discussed the difference between baptism and confirmation and in history we looked at the key events leading up to the expansion of the British Empire in the 18th century.