Welcome to Year 5

Ant and Mayfly are our Year 5 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.

Who works in our classroom?


Mrs Jo Branson                 Mrs Berrill                      Mrs Del Grazia



In Year 5 this term, we will be learning:


Unit of Work


This term, we will be starting our English units off with a discussion text unit. Our writer's toolkit will include:

emotive vocabulary



modal verbs indicating degrees of possibility 

relative clauses

We will also be focusing on the fictional story ‘Tom Macbeth’. This text focuses on ‘Dialogue’, exploring how characters interact, their actions and reactions.

We will be exploring many different areas in detail, such as:

. How speech is structured in a text.

. Alternating the speaker before or after the speech.

. Using adverbs to describe characters' speech alongside their actions or movement.

. How characters discuss other characters.

. How the listeners react.


This term, the children will be covering units including multiplication, division and fractions. Please take a look at what we will be learning here... https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning?year=year-5-new


This term, we will be looking at living things. This will focus on life cycles, especially those of mammals, amphibians, birds and insects. We will also be going into detail about plant reproduction and understanding the structure of different plants.


This term, the children will continue their learning from the previous topic, but focusing on the American Revolution. This will include a look at the Thirteen Colonies, as well as the Boston Tea Party, the Declaration of Independence and the American War of Independence.


This term, the children will continue to refine their skills they have been learning this year by looking at distant counties and regions here in the United Kingdom. They will learn about the Human and Natural features of each area and what they have to offer.

Physical Education

This term, the children will be focusing on gymnastics and fitness. 

Religious Education

This term, the children will be learning all about Hinduism. 


This unit is based around healthy eating and going to market.

Personal, Social and Health Education

This term, the children will be focusing on Dreams and Goals. They will be investigating different goals and careers, considering the dreams and goals of people from other cultures and learning how we can support each other to achieve these goals. 

Design and Technology



This term, our focus for the children will be exploring art from Western Africa. Key concepts covered in this unit are shape and the simplification of shapes taken from nature, colour, the different materials that can be used to make sculpture, sculpture in relief and sculpture used for a purpose (e.g. headdresses).


In this unit, children will use physical computing to explore the concept of selection in programming. Children will be introduced to a microcontroller and learn how to connect and program components through the application of their existing programming knowledge. Children are introduced to conditions as a means of controlling the flow of actions and make use of their knowledge of repetition and conditions when introduced to the concept of selection (through the if, then structure).


In this unit the children will learn about music from Western Africa by listening to a piece called Jin-Go-La-Ba by the Nigerian drummer Babatunde Olatunji. They will build up layers of rhythm using untuned percussion instruments/chanting which include syncopated rhythms and use call and response to structure the music.


Our Class Text is:

Amari and the Night Brothers by B. B. Alston


Knowledge Organisers

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.








Jigsaw PSHE


What have we been up to?

Week commencing 06/01/25

The children have had a wonderful return to school after the Christmas holidays. They have dived straight back into the curriculum, kickstarting their learning about animal and plant life cycles in Science, multiplication in Maths, discussion texts in English and much, much more.