Welcome to Year 5

Ant and Mayfly are our Year 5 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.

Who works in our classroom?


Mrs Jo Branson                 Mrs Berrill                          Mrs Kiss


Our curriculum

In Year 5 class this term, we will be learning:


Unit of Work


This term, we will be focusing on the fictional story, Asha & the Spirit Bird by Jasbinder Bilan. This is a stunning novel set in the Himalayas. 

We will also be looking at protest poems and rewriting well-known tales from a different perspective.

In spelling, we will be learning the spelling rules for words ending in -able, -ible, -ably and -ibly and homophones. 

In grammar we will be focusing on: Relative clauses, adverbials, parenthesis for clarity, concise noun phrases, using devices to build cohesion, adding de-, dis- and mis-, re- and over-.


This term, the children will be covering many different areas of maths, including:

  • Geometry - position and direction
  • Decimals
  • Negative numbers
  • Measure - converting units
  • Measure - volume
  • Please use White Rose alongside our lessons if you want to go deeper or further with each topic.


This term, we will be looking at meteorology, the ozone layer, air movement, cold and warm fronts, thunder and lightning.


This term, the children will be learning about the Industrial Revolution, cotton production, steam engines and trains, iron and coal and children at work.


This term, the children will continue looking at Australia and New Zealand including the history of Australia, settlements, climate and biodiversity, New Zealand and earthquakes,.

Physical Education

Athletics and ‘Outdoor and Adventurous’ Activities forms our PE this half term. Please ensure the children come in the appropriate kit for the weather. No jewellery is to be worn on a Wednesday or Friday.

Religious Education

This term, the children will be focussing on local religious history including Ely Cathedral, key events of the cathedral and religious communities in Cambridgeshire.


This term we will be continuing with Spanish.

Personal, Social and Health Education

This half-term, the children will be learning about changing bodies and growing up.

Design & Technology

This term DT will take place throughout the last half of the half term and will be based around bridges.


This term Art will be at the beginning of the half term, based around West African art.


This term computing will look atusing Microbits.


This term children will be learning songs for ElyFest and composing music.

Our Class Text is:

Asha & The Spirit Bird

By Jasbinder Bilan


Knowledge Organisers:

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to enhance our students learning and to allow parents and carers to support their child's learning. In our knowledge organisers you will find essential knowledge, key dates, vocabulary and key figures where relevant. These can be used as a fun assessment tool which will ensure that students remember more and learn more in the upcoming unit of work.

Art Knowledge Organiser Summer 2

Design & Tech. Knowledge Organiser Summer 2

Geography Knowledge Organiser Summer 2

History Knowledge Organiser Summer 2

Music Knowledge Organiser Summer 2

Religious Education Knowledge Organiser Summer 2

Science Knowledge Organiser Summer 2

Spanish Knowledge Organiser Summer 2


Weekly Newsflash

w/c 15.07.24

Thank you for all your support this year and we look forward to seeing everyone in September!

w/c 8.7.24

Year 5 have been planning and writing their final hot writes this week, flipping fairy tales and retelling them with a twist. In Maths, they have learnt about volume and capacity. The children painted their insect sculptures in art and practiced for sports day in PE.  In RE, we continued learning about the religions in our local area by reviewing the beliefs of Muslims.  Our other foundation lessons have included end of unit assessments in History and Science. In PSHE, we discussed the changes that puberty brings to our responsibilities and freedoms and what it means to be a teenager. Our final spelling unit has been looking at homophones.


w/c 17.6.24

It has been assessment week in Year 5, and all pupils have completed past SATS papers in maths and English.  We have been really impressed with their resilience doing these tests, and are really enjoying marking them and seeing how much they have learnt this year. In English, pupils have planned and written a discussion about whether we should help refugees for their assessed write.  We have continued to introduce new learning in the foundation subjects looking at effect of air movement in science, how the invention of steam engines impacted industry in history and where the biggest Australian cities are in geography. In PSHE we talked about puberty on boys and the children had lots of thoughtful things to share about growing up. On Friday, we all enjoyed the Green House charity day, running to music and competing in a penalty shoot out.

w/c 10.06.24

The children have been busy this week, learning and practising the songs for our Ely Fest concert in the Cathedral on the 21st June. Don't forget, the children need to be at the North Green (on the grass at the back of Prezzo) at 6:30! In Maths this week, the children have started a new unit to do with negative numbers. They have shown off how they can order and compare numbers, working backwards and forwards through 0. In English, the children have experienced a range of protest poetry and have begun to write their own, about something they feel strongly about, choosing their poetic tools carefully. This week in history, the children have learnt about cotton spinning and how this changed during the Industrial Revolution, and in Geography, they learnt about the voyage of Captain Cook to Australia.  

w/c 3.6.24

The children have returned to school and brought the sun with them. As it is warmer, please ensure your child has a water bottle and has sun cream and sun hats as needed.  The children have planned and written explanation texts this week, explaining why. They have been very creative with their choice of topic with why krakens are extinct, why loch ness monsters are hard to spot and why sirens sing their songs amongst their ideas. In maths, they have learnt how to continue decimal sequences and how to multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. We have begun our new topics on the industrial revolution in history, Australia and New Zealand in geography and meteorology in science.  The children have also started our PSHE unit for this term, thinking about self-esteem. We were very lucky , this week, to have a visit from an artist who helped the children make under the sea headdresses and costumes to wear for our performance at Ely Fest in the cathedral.  Please confirm if your child will be attending and bring them wearing their creation.