Welcome to Year One

Bumblebee and Dragonfly are our Year One classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.

The adults that work in Year 1 are:

Miss Kirsty Palmer: Bumblebee teacher

Miss Chantelle Miller:  Learning Support Assistant

Mr Matthew Turner: Dragonfly teacher

Mrs Natascia Newman: Learning Support Assistant

Our curriculum



RWI (Phonics, Reading, Writing and SPaG)

Children will continue to work within their RWI groups to start to read fluently, sight read common exception words and other key words. In English, we will begin to extend our writing and explore how the children find writing 5-sentences stories in preparation for year 2. We will also complete some poetry, writing a list poem.

We will also be reading the stories; ‘On the Way Home’, ‘Zog’ and ‘Cops and Robber’s’.


We will continue our learning of place value, but, progressing onto numbers to 100. To finish off the year, we will be looking at both time and money. In time, we will be looking at telling the time to the hour and to the half an hour.  During our money lessons, we will be exploring both coins and notes and having the chance to count them.


In Science, we will explore materials and magnets. We will work out how to distinguish what material everyday objects are made from by learning the vocabulary used to describe them. As part of this unit, we will look at the work of scientists and engineers including studying the engineer John Dunlop, of Dunlop Tyres. Our unit will finish with the opportunity for the children to plan and carry out their own investigation into materials.


In Geography we are learning about the seven continents. We will learn their names and explore some of their physical and human features as well as their climates. We’ll also find out how to identify them and the oceans in an atlas and on a globe. Using what we have learned we will then investigate the differences between the continents.


In art, we will be pulling together everything we have learned in Y1 to look at how artists use line and colour in their work in terms of the mood, content, process and form of their artwork. We will look at The Graham Children by Hogarth, Little Girl in a Blue Armchair by Mary Cassatt, Children’s Games by Pieter Bruegel and The Scrabble Game by David Hockney.


This half term is a busy half term for PE. The children will have the chance to learn different skills through their Athletics lessons, preparing them for Sports Day. They will also have a Striking and Fielding lesson each week.


In RE, we will be returning to Christianity to study some Bible stories and consider their meanings. We will look at how Bible stories teach Christian morals and teach people about God. We will look at Johan and Big Fish, David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, and the story of Moses.


In PSHE, the children will be looking at the puzzle piece ‘Changing Me’, exploring:

. Life cycles, understand that everyone is unique and special.

. Changing me, expressing how they feel when change happens.

. My Changing body, understand and respect the changes that they see in themselves.

. Boys’ and girls’ bodies, respect and understand the changes that they see in other people.

. Learning and growing, know who to ask for help if they are worried about change.

. Coping with changes, looking forward to change.


This half term the children will be exploring how to plan and create a rocket. We will be using the computer to bring together all of our skills from the year to plan and create a rocket which can fly in the air.


In music, we will explore how musicians use their bodies, voices and percussion instruments to represent the sounds of the sea. We will also introduce the children to musical scores through graphic scores which use pictures, symbols, lines or shapes to represent sound.


This half term in DT we will be looking at wheels and axles. We will explore how they work and construct our own basic carts.



At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see what progress they have made.










Weekly Newsflash - What have Year One been up to this week?

Newsflash w/c 08.07.24

Year 1 had a great time during their school trip to Wicken Fen on Thursday. We took part in three interesting workshops; minibeast hunting, pond dipping and a nature walk. The children showed off their great vocabulary and understanding of animals which really impressed us. In English, the children have written their own explanation texts all about something they really like, we are so impressed with their sentence structure. In maths we have completed our final topic on time, learning about half past as well as recapping on our 'o'clock' knowledge. The children really enjoyed learning about Cubism in Art, cutting up a photograph from an earlier lesson and creating a brand new picture. They also showed great recall during our Science quiz on materials and magnetism.


Newsflash w/c 01.07.24

It has been a busy week in Year 1. We have learnt a new story map in English which is an explanation text. We have learnt about some key features of this text type ready to plan and write our own next week. In Science we carried out an experiment. We tested everyday materials to work out which material is the most suitable for Paddington Bear's hat. In Maths we have been learning about time. We have discussed the days of the week, months of the year and learnt to tell the time to the hour. We are looking forward to our visit to Wicken Fen next week!

Newsflash w/c 24.06.24

The kids have been eager creators this week. In English, we have learnt about list poems and written our own based on '10 Things Found in a Wizard's Pocket' by Ian McKellan. In maths, we have continued to learn all about money, identifying notes and also counting up piles of money. The children really enjoyed creating rockets this week using junk modelling in computing, based on their shopping lists and diagrams they created on their computers. The children also worked hard and had a very mature attitude to their learning in PSHE, where we have learnt about boys and girls bodies and the scientific vocabulary for different parts of the body.


Newsflash w/c 17.06.24

This week in year 1 has been busy as the children were completing our end of year assessments; well done for all your hard work again after phonics checks the week before! In English, we have written our own five-sentence stories about a visitor coming to the classroom. The children chose kings, queens, prime ministers, scientists, even superheroes and game characters! In maths, we have begun our new topic on money and started by identifying different coins. In art, the children really enjoyed using watercolours to paint their version of Hogarth's The Graham Children. We also had fun on Friday as for our charity day we had a penalty shootout. The year 1s were very sporting by cheering each other on with encouraging words.


Newsflash w/c 10.06.24

This week in year 1 has been busy with our phonics screening tests, we want to say how proud we are of the year 1's for their courageous attitudes throughout the week, well done. In English, we have used our new learning to plan and write both a class and our own 5-sentence stories. We also learnt how to edit our work carefully and what to look for. in maths we have completed our topic on numbers to 100 with some comparing using our greater than > and less than < symbols. In RE the children have begun to explore different bible stories, such as David and Goliath and working out the morals that are being taught. The children have also enjoyed learning to use an overarm throw in our striking and fielding unit for PE.


Newsflash w/c 03.06.24

Welcome back to the final half term of year 1, how the year has flown by. Year 1 have settled back in quickly and eagerly. In English, we have explored writing our own 5-sentence stories as well as investigating how to use 'because' in our sentences and exclamation marks. In Maths, we have expanded our numbers to 100, looking on a number line, counting in 10s and using our 100 squares. In Art this week the children recreated a famous painting 'Hogarth and the Graham Children', but took their own modern twist on it! In Computing, we used Microsoft word to write a list of materials to make a model rocket, ready to build it later in the term.