Welcome to Year One

Bumblebee and Dragonfly are our Year One classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.

The adults that work in Year 1 are:

Miss Kirsty Palmer: Bumblebee teacher

Mrs Lucy Jex:  Learning Support Assistant

Photo pending.


Mr Matthew Turner: Dragonfly teacher

Mrs Natascia Newman: Learning Support Assistant

Our curriculum



RWI (Phonics, Reading, Writing and SPaG)

Children will continue to work within their RWI groups to start to read fluently, sight read common exception words and other key words. Additionally, they will be exploring sentences looking in depth at their structure, thinking about the punctuation, grammar and how to create sentences which are engaging. The children will be undertaking handwriting lessons once a week focusing on the formation of lower case letters and capital letters as well as writing on the lines. We will also begin teaching the children to spell the Year 1 common exception words.


In maths, this half-term, we will be looking at comparing and sorting objects into groups, counting one more and one less, ordering objects and numbers, and number lines. We will then move onto part-whole models, related number facts, and number bonds. Finally, we will begin exploring addition and subtraction, which we will then continue after the half-term break. We will be using lots of concrete resources in class, such as number lines, counters, ten frames, and multilink, to help us consolidate our understanding and make sure we have a really secure foundation for the rest of our maths this year.


In Science, we are looking at the human body and our senses. We will begin by labelling the human body parts such as arms, legs, head etc. before looking in depth at each of the five senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight. We will finish the unit by exploring what it may be like to have a sensory impairment and how it may impact their life.


As part of their introduction to history, we will start by discussing what history is and look at the work of historians and archaeologists. To put their understanding of the past in context we will learn about Mary Seacole and the artefacts found at Must Farm. We will then explore some of the history of our local area, including finding out about Oliver Cromwell, the history of the Fens and our cathedral.


This half term, we will be looking at colour as an element of art. We will begin by understanding the primary and secondary colours. We will practice mixing colours using a variety of paint types. We will then move on to exploring tints and shades and how we can create new colours using these. Finally, we will finish the unit by looking at painting water and the ocean and how we can use our knowledge of colour to achieve this.


We will have two PE lessons a week this half-term. In one lesson, we will be learning gymnastic skills which will involve balancing, creating shapes with their bodies and using some simple apparatus. The children will do this in the school hall. In the second lesson, we will be looking at fundamental skills which includes running, jumping, balance, hopping and skipping. The children will do fundamentals outside so please ensure children are dressed appropriately for the weather and all jewellery including earrings are removed.

Religious Education

This half term in R.E. we will be exploring different celebrations across different religions from Easter and Christmas to Diwali and Ramadan.

Personal, Social and Health Education

In PSHE, the children will be covering the puzzle piece ‘being me in my world’. The children will learn the Jigsaw charter, discuss how to be safe and help each other learn and establish clear rules and expectations within their new classes. The focus of the topic is to show the children they belong to many different groups and it is important to respect each and every person.


We will start our computing lessons by looking the important issue of staying safe online. We will discuss pop ups, sharing personal information and being kind to others. The focus will be on what to do if something you see online worries you and who to go to for help. After this, we will move on to mouse/touch pad skills and practicing accuracy through a program called Sketchpad.


Music this half term allows us to have the opportunity to spend time exploring pitch and rhythm through instruments and body percussion.

Design and Technology

In D&T we will be exploring fruit and vegetables. This will involve looking at classifications, which parts are edible, comparing tastes, and then making and trying our own smoothies.

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see what progress they have made.










Weekly Newsflash - What have Year One been up to this week?

Newsflash w/c 14.10.24

This week, Year 1 have continued practising their sentence writing skills and are becoming more independent at checking over their work when finished. In Maths, we have looked at number bonds within 10 and have been using bar models to write our own number sentences. We have also celebrated Black History month but looking further into the achievements of Mary Seacole.

Newsflash w/c 07.10.24

Year 1 have had another busy week. In Science, the children learnt about sensory impairments and thought about the challenges of being deaf or blind. In Maths, we have started our new topic 'addition and subtraction'. The children were introduced to part whole models, fact families and the addition and equals symbols. 

Newsflash w/c 30.09.24

Year 1 have been perfecting their sentence writing skills all week. We have been using sentence checklists to refer to when we have finished writing a sentence. We always check for capital letters, a full stop and finger spaces. We also re-read our writing to make sure it makes sense. Year 1 have continued enjoying our science topic and this week used their senses to explore various materials, objects and ingredients. Year 1 used their sense of touch, smell and taste. It was great fun!

Newsflash w/c 23.09.24

Year 1 have had a busy week. We have been using the language greater than, less than and equal to to compare groups and numbers in maths and using the corresponding symbols. We continued our history topic by learning about Mary Seacole who played a big role in history. In Science, Year 1 learnt about the sense 'hearing' and went on a sound walk. They recorded what they heard.

Newsflash w/c 16.09.24

Year 1 have been working hard this week. In English, we have focussed on what is needed to write a perfect sentence by using a checklist. The children have been carefully checking their written work for capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces and lots of children have been re-reading their work to check it makes sense. In Science, we learnt about the sense: sight and the names of the different parts of the human eye. We starter our first computing topic too. We began with a lesson on online safety and then had a go at logging into the computers for the first time.

Newsflash w/c 09.09.24

Year 1 have had a fantastic start to the year and have been very busy! In English, we are focussing on sentence structure and basic punctuation such as capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We are also getting used to using handwriting lines correctly. In maths, we have been sorting and counting objects as well as representing numbers using concrete resources to support us. In Art, we are focussing on colour and we are learning the skill of creating tints and shades and applying this skill to our own pieces of art work.