Welcome to Year 6
Mantis and Scorpion classes are our Year 6 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. On this page you will be able to read about our curriculum and learning activities.
Adults in our classes:
Mrs Hema Patel-Thorpe Mrs Christy Collard
Ms Louise Bradshaw-Campbell Mrs Hannah Delgrazia
This half term, we will be learning:
English |
For this term, we will be producing our final pieces of independent writing that will provide evidence for our end of KS2 assessment. We will be consolidating all we have learned across the year to produce a range of independent pieces stimulated by our whole-class text, Kensuke’s Kingdom. We will have an opportunity to produce a setting description, a persuasive letter, a News Report and a piece of writing showing contrasting perspective. We will also be honing our dramatic skills whilst preparing for our year 6 production. |
Maths |
For the final half-term we will begin by exploring statistics. The children will be interpreting data in pie charts, tally charts and bar charts as well as making links to percentages and problem solving. We will then move on to improving our problem solving skills in a wide range of contexts whilst also using the Nrich online problems where the children will start to think about different strategies they can use to solve varied problems. |
Science |
This half-term we will be learning all about evolution, including the work of Darwin and Wallace. We will be building on the work the children have previously done about fossils and the evidence they provide of evolution. We will be thinking about the changes different animals have gone through to help them survive challenges in their natural environment. |
History |
Having concluded our lessons on World War 2 at the end of May, the children will now be learning about Post War Britain. They will be learning about the MV Empire Windrush and the call from Britain to its Commonwealth countries for workers after the war. They will also look at what impact Black migrants had on Britain and its industries as well as the birth of the Carnival in Britain as a means to showcase Caribbean talent. They will explore how Black British culture changed in the 1970s with black people being born in Britain. |
Geography |
This half term the children will be learning about Russia as well as globalisation and what impact this has had on people, businesses and governments. They will be exploring economic, political and social globalisation and also looking at all the benefits and problems associated with this global movement. The children will start to think about all the ethical issues this has raised over the years. They will explore solutions that are already in place and where more needs to be done to ensure we all are able to enjoy the advancements of technology shrinking the globe, whilst still making sure we behave ethically and fairly with each other. |
Physical Education |
The children will all be learning how to play rounders this half term and for their second PE lesson, whilst some children for the final half term will be attending swimming lessons at The Hive in Ely, the remaining children will be learning the skills and techniques for a number of athletics games in preparation for Sports Day. |
Religious Education |
This half term we will be looking at Christianity around the world. We will explore how Christianity has spread across the world from the birth of Jesus to the modern day. We will also be examining how Christianity is worshipped in countries such as Russia and across continents such as Africa and South America and how this compares and contrasts to Christianity in Britain. |
Music |
The unit this half-term is ‘Leavers’ Song’. The children will begin by listening to pieces of music and appraising their suitability as an end of Year 6 song before working in groups to create their own lyrics and melody which can be performed to a pre-recorded backing track. |
Personal, Social and Health Education |
This term we will be exploring Sex and Relationships through our topic, Changing Me. The children will have opportunities to explore ideas around self-image and practise strategies to improve self-esteem. We will learn about how a baby grows from conception to birth and gain an understanding of the importance of keeping heathy. We will also begin to explore romantic relationships with a focus on how to interact with each other in a positive way. PHSE will be taught at least twice a week this term as we will also be using PHSE lessons to prepare the children for secondary school. We will be using the BBC Bitesize resources that are designed to be motivational, helpful and reassuring and to help young people feel encouraged and equipped for the journey ahead. |
Art |
The children will look at modernism, and how it arose and developed in the 20th century. This will include consideration of cubism and abstraction. They will go on to consider how some artists, later in the 20th century moved back towards figuration and addressed issues of identity. Throughout the unit they will develop an idea for, plan and create an artwork based around the subject of ‘identity’. |
Computing |
This half term we will be revisiting the important area of Online Safety in our computing lessons. We will discuss a range of issues children may encounter online and how they can find the appropriate help in different scenarios. We will also how sharing things online can have both a positive and negative impact and how children can ensure they have a positive ‘digital reputation’. |
Spanish |
This half term the children will be learning about beaches in Spain and items they might take to the seaside. They will start by creating descriptive sentences about the seaside and persuasive sentences about visiting the seaside to create and perform an advert. |
Knowledge Organisers
At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.
WC 15.07.24
Thank you for all your support this year and we look forward to seeing everyone in September!
WC 03.06.24
The children have had a busy first week back after a lovely half-term. In English we have revisited the features of a persuasive text as the children try to convince a family of or a headteacher whether or not they should be allowed to leave school for a year and go on a trip of lifetime, sailing around the world as a family. The children learned about Britain’s call for workers and support after WW2 in History and the arrival of hundreds of people from the Commonwealth countries. They learned specifically about MV Empire Windrush and how this started to shape post-war Britain. In Geography the children used the atlases and the internet to look at the similarities and differences between the landscapes of the UK and Russia. Having just finished our WW2 history topic last half term, the children have now started reading Kensuke's Kingdom, a book by Michael Morpurgo as our whole class reading book and are thoroughly enjoying it!
WC 23.05.24