Welcome to Year 6

Mantis and Scorpion classes are our Year 6 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School.  On this page you will be able to read about our curriculum and learning activities.   

Adults in our classes:

Mrs Hema Patel-Thorpe              Mrs Christy Collard


Ms Louise Bradshaw-Campbell   Mrs Hannah Delgrazia


This half term, we will be learning:

This half term, we will be learning:


This term for writing in the first half of the term, we will be learning about how to create two contrasting characters and looking at strategies that we can use to ensure that one character is sympathetic and the other is unsympathetic. We will be developing our understanding of using ‘Show Not Tell’ to engage our reader and ensure that they can make their own inferences whilst reading our work. For the second half of the term, we shall be exploring recounts in the form of news reports. We will be becoming journalists and writing our own news reports utilising our subject knowledge of a key event from the Victorian Age.


This half term we will begin by refining our mental maths strategies, using known facts to help us find other answers.  We will be solving fraction based calculations and problems before moving on to learning about co-ordinates, translations and reflections. 


In science, we will be learning about classifying living things. We will learn that living things are organised by a ‘branching key’ that groups living things by shared characteristics into 5 kingdoms including plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms. This is based on the work on Carl Linneus. We will explore the five kingdoms and learn about bacteria and microbes. We will conduct an experiment to help us understand why it is important to wash our hands.


This term, we will begin our topic about World War 1. We will be working towards considering the question, ‘Should World War 1 be called the Great War. We will be examining how and why the alliance systems built up. Understanding how nationalism, the development of the colonies and the attitudes of the world powers of the time all contributed to the outbreak of WW1. We will also consider what event proved to be the final catalyst.


We will be looking at the Human Geography of the British Isles incorporating transportation and how people move around Britain as well as internationally. There will be a focus on understanding the economy and looking at imports and exports from and to the British Isles. We will also be identifying how physical geography creates industries in the British Isles and how history and human geography can lead to these areas becoming wealthy or poor.

Physical Education

We will be developing our golf skills and exploring creating our own dance sequences using body percussion. 

Religious Education

We will continue to exploring how Buddhists follow their beliefs in both their private and public lives through exploring the Four Noble Truths and the Buddhist religious festivals.  We will also be learning about one of the richest visual objects in Tibetan Buddhism, the mandala and reflecting on how this helps to answer our big question for the entire unit of work: what is the path to happiness?


We will be learning about dynamics, pitch and performance through singing.  This will lead on to a performance in Ely Cathedral as part of a virtual Christingle service. 



Knowledge Organisers

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to help our children learn more and remember more and to allow parents and carers to support their children's learning. In our knowledge organisers, you will find essential knowledge, key dates, important vocabulary and key figures. The knowledge organisers can also be used as a fun assessment tool which will help children to see the progress they have made.

Computing Autumn B

Science Autumn B 

Geography Autumn B

History Autumn B

Music Autumn B

RE Autumn B

Art Autumn B


PHSE Autumn B


W/C 2/12/2024

It has been yet another busy week in Year 6. The children have been busy completing their hot write on our topic of sympathetic and unsympathetic characters and they are showing some excellent technique in their writing by using varied sentence starters, including Y6 punctuation and adding metaphors and similes. In maths we started our conversion unit looking at metric units of measure and have ended the week by starting to look at imperial units of measure such as miles. Whilst introducing this new concept the children have also been able to reinforce their learning on dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. The consequences of WW1 was the focus of this week's history lesson where the children explored the impact of the war both overseas as well as Britain, which will lead their learning onto the next unit of work, the suffragettes. Finally in Science, the children planned their double page spread on classification which they will complete next week. Have a lovely, restful weekend. 

W/C 25/11/2024

We reached the end of November and we couldn’t be more proud of all year 6 are achieving. Their hard work and commitment to their own success has been evident in so much of what they have done. In English, we have been really impressed by their innovations. They have taken on board tricky grammatical structures and incorporated them with their imaginative and creative ideas. Their work has been a pleasure to read. In maths, we have explored how to use Bar Models to sole problems involving fractions of amounts. We have also learned about why litter in the UK is such a huge problem in Geography and leaned about life on the Home Front in WW1 for History. We finished the week by composing and performing energetic Bhangra dance routines.

W/C 18/11/2024

We have had yet another busy week in Year 6 with a complete set of assessment papers. The children have worked so hard and have certainly earned a well deserved rest this weekend! In maths, we continued our learning of fractions and have moved on the next two operations - multiplication and division. The children have learned how to multiply a and divide fraction by an integer. In English, the children have started our innovation story by exploring the sympathetic character of Oliver Twist and had fun creating their first paragraph where the sympathetic character is introduced to the reader. We learned more about the trenches this week in History and just how traumatic this was for the soldiers during WW1. Finally in art, we started our radiating pattern piece of work which enabled the children to have a more therapeutic end to a tough week. Well done Year 6. We are very proud of you!

W/C 05/11/2024

Clearly, the half-term break has done pupils the world of good, as they have returned invigorated and started the term with a bang –no pun intended! We have enjoyed beginning our unit of work about villains. We created a word bank of vocabulary and used it to create poems which we then performed. In maths we have learned that we can compare and order fractions when the numerator is the same or when the denominator is the same. We have also practised converting fractions so that we can add or subtract them. We were excited to begin our history topic and were fascinated to learn that an assassination was the catalyst that begun WW1.  In PHSE, we have been learning about prejudice and discrimination and developing our empathy.

W/c 21st October


The final week has been very busy.  We took part in a Diwali workshop – the children learnt and acted the story of Rama and Sita, working with a professional actor.

Many of the children enjoyed having a dance and playing with their friends at the silent disco that was held by the PTA and we all have had fun at out 10th Anniversary party.

Have a well-rested half term and we will see you in November. 

W/C 14/10/2024

We have had a fantastic week in Year 6. We have been busy exploring instruction texts and the features within this text type using our new model text. In history, we have worked on some fact files on the Black History Week theme of reclaiming the narratives. The children have learned about key figures in the world of maths and science and created some beautiful fact files which we will be displaying on our display wall next week. Finally in art we have started our linear perspective autumnal forest pictures, which will also be displayed on our display wall. We were incredibly impressed with their efforts and resilience in both of these tasks this week. Well done Year 6! Have a lovely weekend.

W/C 04/10/2024

Year 6 have worked so hard this week and learned so much. This week we have been discussing what it means to be courageous. We have talked about when fear is useful and necessary and when fear is not justified. We then discussed different strategies for overcoming our irrational fears. In English, we edited and improved our setting stories many children showed great imagination. In maths, we have been learning new strategies for division such as factorising the divisor if it is 2-digit number, so that we can solve the calculation by carrying out two short divisions instead of long division. You can see the strategy here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXM8iZ5Wit4 and practising long-division https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAYZRONVLNA The pupils have shown excellent perseverance! In History, we have begun to research the lives of some fascinating black scientists as it is Black History Month. In Geography,  Geography we had our minds blown when we learnt about the true size of countries in comparison to the projections on the Mercator map. Lastly, it was great to see so many of you at our reading parent share. Have a great weekend.

WC 23.09.24

We have had yet another busy week in Year 6! The children have spent the week revisiting factors and common factors, multiples and have learned divisibility rules in maths. In English we have started to build a toolkit for our fear tale and have interrogated our model text and pulled out the techniques the author has used to create a change in atmosphere and setting using show not tell techniques whilst also using figurative language such as metaphors, similes and personification. In history we evaluated whether the British Empire in the 1900s had a positive or negative impact on the world by looking specifically at a number of countries which were once part of the Empire. Finally we enjoyed understanding the differences between the Arctic circle and Antarctica. Have a restful weekend all!

WC 09.09.24

What a wonderful first full week we have had on Year 6! The children have started the year embracing the school values and rules and showing how they are going to be excellent role models to the rest of the school. We started the week exploring the poem 'The Highwayman' and revised figurative language writing techniques. The children have then gone on to write their own poem, following The Highwayman poem structure but using the theme of space. They have also spent the week revising place value in maths which we will complete next week. Finally the children started our history topic the Victorian Age this half term by learning about Queen Victoria and how she was regarded as the grandmother of Europe during her reign and the growth of the British Empire. Have a lovely weekend.