Welcome to Year 2


Caterpillar and Spider classes are our Year 2 classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School.

Who works in our classroom:

Mrs Godfrey (Mon-Tues)  Mrs Silveira (Wed-Fri)  Mrs Wreathall  Mrs Anna Frost 


 Mrs Claire Harrison    Mrs Samantha Lambert    Mrs Diane Magroun


In Year 2 this half term, we will be learning:




In English this half term, we will be focussing describing settings within our writing. We will be using the Talk4Writing approach, beginning with our cold write, before moving through the imitation, innovation and independent stages. We will begin by looking at a poem First Dog on the Moon before moving onto our model text The Snow Queen. We will be working on consistently using on our non-negotiables of full stops and capital letters. To improve the content of our writing, we will be using tools such as expanded noun phrases and we will be writing in the past tense. During this half term, we will be reading Gorilla by Anthony Browne and The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad as a class. Using these books we will develop our reading fluency and intonation, as well as all of the VIPERS skills (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Evidence, Retrieval and Summarise).


In maths, we will be focusing on two areas of learning. The first is ‘Numbers to 100’. During this unit, we will be reviewing and strengthening place value knowledge, as well as sequencing, reasoning and problem solving.  The second is 'Addition and subtraction'. In this unit, we will practice using concrete, abstract and written methods to add and subtract. 


In science will be learning about the human body. We will cover our skeleton and muscles, digestion and healthy eating, circulation and taking care of our bodies. 


In history, we are learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We will find out what life was like in Ancient Egypt including looking at customs, religion, social hierarchies, hieroglyphs and the local geography.

Religious Education

In RE this half term, we will be introducing the children to Judaism. We will look at where Jews worship, what they celebrate and some items of significance to the Jewish faith.


In music, the theme for this half term is ‘West African call and response songs'. During this unit the children will develop their understanding of dynamics, timbre, sound and tempo. 

Physical Education

During PE this half term, the children will be focusing on two areas: ball skills and fundamental skills. In both areas, the children will be building on their skills from previous years as well as developing and applying PE skills they have learnt in other areas of PE this year.


In computing, the children will learning about what a computer is and recognising different forms of technology. 


In art, we will be developing our knowledge about primary and secondary colours. We will be focussing on the artwork of Van Gough and how he used primary and secondary colours to create his famous paintings. 

Personal, Social and Health Education

In PSHE, children will be completing the Being Me in My World unit of work which looks at hopes and fears, rights and responsibilities, rewards and consequences and how this relates to our learning in the classroom and our role in our community.

Design and Technology

In DT, we will be designing and cooking our own pizzas. The children will be kneading the dough and chopping up a variety of toppings, before sampling and evaluating their creations.


Our class text is: The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad

Our PE dates are: Tuesdays and Fridays

Knowledge Organisers:

At the Isle of Ely Primary School, we use knowledge organisers as a tool to enhance our students learning and to allow parents and carers to support their child's learning. In our knowledge organisers you will find essential knowledge, key dates, vocabulary and key figures where relevant. These can be used as a fun assessment tool which will ensure that students remember more and learn more in the upcoming unit of work.




Week Commencing 14th October

In English, we have innovated our model text to a non-chronological report about Rabbits. The children were able to use the tools they have learnt in their writing: lists of three using commas, present tense to describe and subheadings to organise the paragraphs. Our maths has been learning how to subtract numbers using partitioning and our number bonds. For example we can break 34-7 into 34-4=30, then 30-3=27. In RE, we learnt about the Jewish festival Hanukkah and the origins of this. We have also designed our Christmas card templates this week. The designs will be sent to you in the coming weeks for you to place your orders.

Week Commencing 7th October

It was lovely to see so many parents at our parent share on Tuesday. Thank you for joining us. This week, we have started our English unit on non-chronological reports. The children understand that these are non-fiction and include factual information. We have learnt our model text on Gorillas and can retell this using actions. In maths, we have continued our learning on addition and subtraction. We have been using our knowledge of number bonds to help us add 3 numbers. For example for 2 + 4 + 8, we would first do 2 + 8 = 10 then 10 + 4 = 14. We have learnt about hieroglyphics in history and had a go at writing our names using them.


Week Commencing 30th September

In maths, we have started a new unit on addition and subtraction. We have been learning our number bonds to 20 and looking at fact families with these. The children have planned and written their own monster stories, following the structure of our model text. Our art this week used our knowledge of tints and shades to create a painting of the settings from their stories. 


Week Commencing 23rd September

In English, we innovated our model text into a new class version following the pattern and structure. Caterpillars wrote The cunning Wolf and Spiders wrote The fiery Dragon. We have been practising reading through our own work to make sure we have included our capitals letters and full stops. In maths, we have been ordering numbers from biggest to smallest. We have also been counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s. Our computing lesson looked at what inputs and outputs are. The children labelled parts of a robot and decided what their robots could be programmed to do.


Week Commencing 16th September

This week, we have been learning our model text The Snow Queen, using actions to help us remember the story. We have been looking at how the past tense is used to retell the story and expanded noun phrases are used to describe the characters and setting. We have boxed up the story and learnt the pattern of a defeating the monster story. In maths, we have been using number lines to count in ones and tens. We have also been comparing objects using the vocabulary more than and less than. In Science, we have been learning about our skeletons and the role it has in protecting our organs. We learnt the names of some of our bones too. Ask your child to show you where their skull and ribcage is! We have started our RE unit on Judaism and have been learning about the synagogue as their place of worship.


Week Commencing 9th September

It has been a fantastic start to a new school year. The children have settled into their new classes well and are enjoying their learning. In PSHE, we have been looking at our rights and responsibilities, as well as rewards and consequences and how this relates to our learning in the classroom and our role in our community. In maths, we have been using base ten to represent numbers to 100 and part whole models to partition them. We have also been learning how to write numbers as words. Our history this half term is about Ancient Egypt. We have found out where Egypt is and the importance of the River Nile.