Welcome to Reception

Butterfly and Ladybird are our Reception classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.

The adults that work in Reception are:

Miss Charlotte Clayton           Mrs Alison Butterfield                       Miss Vicky Burrows 

Butterfly class teacher            Learning Support Assistant             Learning Support Assistant 

 Mrs Alison Butterfield

Mrs Georgia Russell            Mrs Anna Geraty                       Mrs Amy Allot

Ladybird class teacher         Learning Support Assistant      Learning Support Assistant



Our Curriculum overview

Autumn A 

Communication and language

The children will start the term by learning to listen to others one on one or in small groups, e.g. talk about families in circle time and share pictures. They will join in with repeating refrains and anticipating key events and phrases in rhymes and stories e.g. in songs, poems, familiar stories, call and response games. Pupils will understand use of objects and tools in the classroom e.g. children know what they can do during independent free flow time, Children will learn to respond to multi-step instructions e.g. first we need to put our coats on, then we need to zip them up, then we will get ready to go out to play; retell past events from stories and from own experience in chronological order; e.g. describing a day at school, describing what they did at the weekend.

Physical Development

In PE lessons, we will study the Introduction to the PE unit of learning. In this unit children will be introduced to Physical Education and structured movement. They will spend time learning basic principles of a PE lesson such as safely using space, stopping safely, using and sharing equipment and working individually, with a partner and group. They will take part in activities which will develop fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping and skipping. Children will also play simple games and begin to understand and use rules. As in all units, pupils develop physical, social, emotional and thinking whole child objectives.

In everyday activities, we will focus on the gross motor skills, coordination and balance. The children will develop their pencil grip through a variety of every day fine motor skills opportunities.


Our PE day is Thursday.


The students will learn classroom and school rules, and how we all help to make our classroom a safe and happy place to learn. Children will gain confidence through choosing and accessing resources. They will explore the things that make each of us special, as a part of our PSHE curriculum. Children will explore their and other’s feeling and consequences of some actions, they will learn words we can use to describe how we are am feeling and what to do when feeling angry, upset or worried. The pupils will learn to take turns, begin to work in a small group or with a different partners.


The children will access a variety of high quality texts, based on their interests. The children will explore fiction, non-fiction and poetry linked to the theme studied this half-term. They will develop a greater appreciation of books and learn how to look after books in school, while developing and celebrating their love of sharing stories.

The students will start visiting the school library; this half term our library time will be Thursday afternoons.

In Phonics, we will learn to read all of the single letter Set 1 sounds at speed. The children will practise blending sounds orally through Fred Games and everyday opportunities.

In writing, the children will learn to write their names and begin forming graphemes correctly, developing their understanding of the correspondence between graphemes and familiar phonemes.


Our first unit of learning will focus on children’s ability to recognise, represent and manipulate numbers to 5. Children will begin by counting groups of objects up to 3, then 4, before looking at 5; they will learn to recognise and count different representations of numbers up to 5 and use a five frame to help structure the counting and reasoning.

We will then move onto identifying similarities and differences in sets of objects found in the classroom. Children will sort objects into two groups based on size, colour and shape. They will discover that groups can be sorted in different ways and into more than two groups.

We will finish this half term with comparing groups within 5. In this unit, we will focus on comparing two groups of objects and correctly identifying which has more, fewer or whether they have the same amount, using matching, representing and subitising strategies.

Understanding of the word

Through this half terms topic All About Me, the students will explore the themes of my family, my school, my environment, the people around me, people who help us.

We will study our faces and bodies while learning about the human body: facial features, main body parts and the senses.

We will introduce the seasons of the year and observe the changes in our environments that indicate Autumn. The children will be introduced to deciduous and evergreen trees, observe leaves using magnifying glasses and look for leaves changing colour.

As an introduction to later study of history, we will study my past, present, future and that of others including characters from stories. We will look at our families - when I was a baby, when my family members were young; as well as Family Trees and diverse representations of family life. The children will develop sense of chronology, i.e. before I was born, before I came to school, which classroom will I be in next year? We will also use the concept of chronology to understand our school year – what will we do this year in Reception?

The children will explore the location of our school and the wider local area – we’ll discuss our routes to school: What do we pass? Do we use transport? The children will reflect on what they like about our local area and what would they change? We will define Community as the people who feature in our lives, and learn that our school is an important part of our community, as are friends, families, religious communities, people with shared interests e.g. hobbies. We will also study people who help us in our community; including but not limited to teachers, doctors and nurses, firefighters, police, shop workers, rubbish collectors.

Expressive Arts and Design

We will begin the term by learning what art is and that artists makes art by expressing the things they see, imagine or feel. We’ll explore how artist make art and that they use different elements to create their work.

We will look closely at one of the elements of art – colour. The children will learn about colour by painting with primary colours and mixing secondary colours. We will study the works of Miro and painting our self-portraits.

Towards the end of the half-term we will learn that instruments are grouped based on how they make sounds and we’ll look closer at examples of percussion instruments – instruments that make sounds by beating or scraping. We will practice playing a simple beat on a selection of percussion instruments, focusing on rhythm and tempo. We will explore the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Allegro from Eine Kleine Nachtmusik ('A Little Night Music'.)


Knowledge Organiser:

All About Me - Click here to find the Knowledge Organiser.


Weekly newsflash


Week beginning 14th October 2024:

Week 7 of 8 has been packed with exciting learning opportunities in Reception.  The children have been thinking about when it is OK to take things from someone and when it is not.  We did this by playing 'Dont wake the bear' in our Jigsaw PSHE learning time. 

In phonics, we focused on learning about the sounds 'v, y, w, x and z'. We practiced tracing them in our books as part of our lesson each day.  Look out for Mrs Harrisons email with links to videos for children to practice at home if they wish. 

In maths, we identified and subitised numbers 1-3. 

In PKC, the children enjoyed a visit from a fire engine! They were lucky enough to talk to three firefighters, spray the hose and sit inside the fire engine itself! In addition, we spent time thinking about the different seasons and how things in the environment change in the Autumn.  

We hope you all have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Monday!

Week beginning 7th October 2024:

Week 6 of 8 has been full of learning in reception.  The children have been thinking and practicing using kind hands while they are playing. The children were able to identify what we can use our hands for and how to use them in a kind way so that everyone feels safe and loved. 

In phonics, we focused on learning about the sounds 'l, e, h, r, j'. We practiced tracing them in our books as part of our lesson each day.  Look out for Mrs Harrisons email with links to videos for children to practice at home if they wish. 

In maths, we identified and subitised numbers 1-3. 

In PKC, the children enjoyed discussing people who help us in our local community.  We also explored emergencies and what number to call if there is ever an emergency and we need help. As part of our class provision, some children drew someone from the community who they would like to invite into school. We had police officers, firefighters, vets and many more. 

We hope you all have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Monday!

Week beginning 30th September 2024:

Week 5 of 8 has been full of learning in reception.  The children have done lots of deliberate practice of tidying up our environment and done lots of thinking about why we tidy up correctly. As a whole, the class have improved hugely in terms of 'Choose it, play it, put it away' throughout independent play sessions. 

In phonics, we focused on learning about the sounds 'c, k, u, b f'. We practiced tracing them in our books as part of our lesson each day.  Look out for Mrs Harrisons email with links to videos for children to practice at home if they wish. 

In maths, we compared size and mass and looked at creating simple repeating patterns. 

In PKC, the children enjoyed talking about how they travel to school. They went on to think about their journey to school and what they see on the way. Some of the children enjoyed drawing a map of their journey and even added labels! 

We hope you all have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Monday!

Week beginning 23rd September 2024:

It has been another busy and exciting in Reception! The children have continued getting used to the adults and their new environment. We have spent some time looking closely at what tidying is and why we do it. We use the phrase 'Choose it, play it, put it away' as a prompt to remind the children of how they should behave in the environment. 

This week, we were extremely lucky to have some visitors from East and South East Asian Heritage Cambridge. Three wonderful ladies spent a short period of time talking to the children about where they are from. They taught us a new nursery rhyme and kindly gifted all of the children an origami cat. If you would like to listen to the song with your child, you can access it here.

In phonics, we focused on learning about the sounds 'i n p g o'. We practiced tracing them in our books as part of our lesson each day.  

In maths, we also looked at different ways we could sort the same group of objects. 

We hope you all have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Monday!


Week beginning 16th September 2024:

It has been another busy and exciting in Reception! The children have continued getting used to the adults and their new environment. They are doing very well getting used to the reality of full time schooling, trying to remember the school routines and keeping up with Reception timetable. We are very proud of them!

This week, we have focused on the importance of choose it, use it, put it away. If you could use this language at home it would really help the children to get into good habits both at school and at home. 

In phonics, we focused on learning about the sounds m, a, s, d and t. We practiced tracing them in our books as part of our lesson each day.  

In maths, we focused on subitising numbers 1-5. We also looked at matching and grouping objects. 

We hope you all have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Monday!

Week beginning 9th September 2024:

What a busy and exciting week we’ve had in Reception! The children have been settling in, getting used to the adults and their new environment. They are doing very well getting used to the reality of full time schooling, trying to remember the school routines and keeping up with Reception timetable. We are very proud of them!

This week, we have focused on the importance of school rules of Safe, Ready and Respect. The children reflected on the importance of working together and being kind to each other.

In phonics, we became familiar with the RWI signals and flashcards. The children learned to recognise the images on the single letter cards, which we will use in all phonics lessons.  If you are able to, we would recommend purchasing your own set of Set 1 RWI flashcards. It is a useful resource and will allow you to support the learning at home.

Next week, we will begin our maths learning, starting with numbers 1-5.

We hope you all have a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Monday!