Welcome to Reception

Butterfly and Ladybird are our Reception classes at the Isle of Ely Primary School. From this page you will be able to read about our curriculum each half term and all the work we get up to in and out of the classroom.

The adults that work in Reception are:

Miss Charlotte Clayton              Mrs Amy Williams

Butterfly class teacher               Learning Support Assistant


Mrs Milly Mickleburgh           Mrs Anna Geraty

Ladybird class teacher         Learning Support Assistant



Our Curriculum overview

Summer B

Communication and language 

In the final term, the children will continue enjoying a selection of high quality texts and begin responding with relevant comments, questions and ideas. We will focus on following instructions involving more than one idea or action and we will practise answering how/why questions about experiences in response to stories and events to continue broadening children’s vocabulary and building language complexity.  The children will offer explanations for why things might happen, making use of recently introduced vocabulary from stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems when appropriate. They will express their ideas and feelings about their experiences using full sentences, including use of past, present and future tenses and making use of conjunctions, with modelling and support from their teacher.

Physical Development  

We will continue to develop fine motor skills through cutting, threading, mark making, manipulating materials. By now the children are able to hold a pencil effectively in preparation for fluent writing – using the tripod grip in almost all cases. The children will negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others. Pupils will demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing. They will move energetically. i.e. when running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.

PE lessons will take place every Friday afternoon – this term’s unit of learning is Games. With sports day coming up, the children will be practising specific skills to prepare them for the races on the day. This includes balancing and moving in different ways.

The children will continue to access the school’s climbing apparatus which supports their gross motor development.


The children will continue learning the school’s rules Safe, Ready, Respect and will begin gaining an understanding of the value of courage. We will reflect on how we are courageous when facing a new challenge, meeting new people and making our own decisions. The children will show an understanding of their own feelings and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly. Finally, they will set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate.

In Jigsaw PSHE, the children will focus on the topic ‘Changing me.’ They will look at how they are changing as they grow, how we respect our bodies and celebrate all the new skills they learnt. Towards the end of the term, we will hold discussions around transition to Year 1, getting to know new adults, what Year 1 will look like and create opportunities for the students to ask questions and raise worries.


The children will access a wide selection of quality texts across fiction, non-fiction and poetry within the environment. We will memorise and innovate short texts through the Talk4Writing lessons, having fun and experimenting with language, rhyme and rhythm, retelling texts and writing.   

Some of the texts we will focus on this term are: St George and the Dragon, the Knight who wouldn’t fight, various fairy tales, myths and non-fiction texts on Ancient Greece and Aesop’s fables.

In Phonics, we will continue to learn Set 2 sounds. We will practise a new sound each lesson and apply the new sound through focused reading and writing tasks where the children will develop their confidence with segmenting and blending.

 The children will work in partners to read speed sounds, green words (decodable words) and red words, as well as their phonics books. The children will support each other to ‘Fred talk, read the word’ independently. The children will also be introduced to new red words which are words that are not phonetically decodable.

In writing, the children will independently write phrases using their phonic knowledge; the children will have a go at writing familiar or their own fairy tales that can be read by others. We will secure the use of finger spaces to mark out individual words.


At the start of the term, we will continue to learn about numerical patterns. Children will build their understanding of sharing and halving, as well as odd and even numbers, securing the new vocabulary and beginning to understand the concepts. This learning will be built upon further in their mathematical learning in KS1 and KS2.

We then move onto focussing on the composition and decomposition of shape. In this unit, the focus is on children recognising that a shape can have other shapes within it. Children will begin by using two shapes to make a new shape. They will build on this skill by attempting to build one shape in multiple ways. Partitioning numbers has been introduced previously. This unit will allow children to see that shapes can also be ‘partitioned’ in multiple ways.

We will then move onto Volume (measure and capacity). In this unit, children will meet, for the first time, volume and capacity. They will learn how to compare two or more items using the vocabulary of measure and will begin to compare containers visually.

Understanding of the word 

Our topic this term is ‘Stories from the past’. Throughout this unit children will begin to understand that stories have been told for many, many years. They may begin to appreciate that some stories teach us things; when hearing some of Aesop’s fables they might begin to see that the fables have a lesson for us. Children may begin to understand that some stories were told long ago to explain things, such as the Ancient Greek myth of Prometheus stealing fire from the Gods to give to people. Importantly, children will encounter classic story characters, will find out about their adventures and escapades and will be developing new vocabulary as they enjoy the stories they hear. Children will learn that stories have been told in many places around the world; they will learn about St George and where it is believed he came from, Ancient Greece, Aesop and what historians believe about his identity and the Anansi stories which are Ashanti folk tales from West Africa.

Expressive Arts and Design 

We will start the half term by looking at cave art as possibly one of the oldest ways of storytelling and by creating our own cave art pictures. The children will focus on ‘People in art’ looking at Degas’ ballerinas. They will practise drawing people and creating clay sculptures of “Miro-like” people.

The children will also look at fashion. We will experiment with fabric to design a suitable piece of sportswear. We will discuss what features a practical piece of sportswear might have before designing.


Knowledge Organiser:



Weekly newsflash


Week beginning 8th July 2024

It has been another busy week in Reception!

This week, we have used some of our afternoon sessions to practise the activities the children will be taking part in on sports day next week. The children worked really hard to not only practise the skills needed but also waiting for their turn, listening carefully and cheering their team mates on. It would be helpful to remind your children of these key skills and discuss why they are important to allow them to have a fun and successful day!

We have also spent some time talking about Year One and discussing which class the children will be. We have shown the children pictures of their new teacher and the children came up with lots of questions for Miss Palmer/Mr Turner. Next week, the children will spend the day on Wednesday with their new teacher and spend time in their new classroom. The children are really excited and we hope that these PSHE conversations have eased any worries the children may have. Please let us know if you have any questions or if there is anything else we can do to support your child to ensure a smooth transition.

In Phonics, each group has been consolidating their learning and Mrs Harrison has been busy assessing the children ready for September. We/she will update you with this in the near future.

Next week is the final week of term, we hope to see lots of you at Sports Day on Monday. Morning races start at 11am, this will be followed by a picnic where you are welcome to join your child and the afternoon carousel will begin at 1pm.

Miss Clayton & Mrs Williams will be out on home visits for the new Reception children on Tuesday/Wednesday, if you have any urgent questions or queries please email the office and Miss Clayton will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Please send your child into school with a carrier bag on Thursday 18th July to allow them to bring their work from this year home to share with you.

Thank you for your continued support.

Reception Team

Week beginning 24th June 2024

This week has been another busy and exciting week in Reception. This week started in a particularly exciting way as the revamp of our outdoor area started on Monday. The children have loved watching the diggers come in and out of the outdoor area and have been very interested in the new additions. We are very lucky that we now have lots of new and exciting resources to use which the children have been enjoying in the second half of the week!

This week in Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of numerical patterns including grouping, halving and doubling. These are tricky concepts but the children are really starting to get the hang of them. If you would like to support your child with these concepts, you may like to play some simple games such as holding up a number of fingers and then asking your child to double that number, they may be able to do this on their fingers or for larger numbers they may need to use some manipulatives such as counters.

In PKC, we have continued our topic all about stories from the past. This week, we have been looking at Aesop’s fables. We focused on The Tortoise and the Hare and ‘The Lion and the Mouse’. The children really enjoyed learning about fables and we discussed the lessons that these stories can teach us. You may like to watch this short film with your child which we shared with the children on Monday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfsGU4L7iTw

In Talk Through Stories, we have started a new text. Our new text is called ‘A little bit brave’ by Nicola Kinnear. We would encourage you to talk to your child about the story and see what they can recall. The children particularly enjoyed getting into character and becoming Logan and freeze framing at different parts of the stories to show how he was feeling. There are videos of this story available online if you would like to listen/watch.

We have also been busy preparing our stall for Isle Fest, we are really looking forward to seeing lots of you there tomorrow! Please come and see us if you are able to come J

We would also like to remind you we have our school trip to Ancient House on Wednesday next week. The children will need to wear comfortable and weather appropriate clothing/footwear with a school jumper or cardigan. All pupils will be provided with a school packed lunch. Please provide your child with a small rucksack that they can carry, a water bottle and spare clothes.

Have a lovely weekend!

Reception Team


Week beginning 17th June 2024:

This week, we have enjoyed the long-awaited dry and warm weather! The children enjoyed lots of physical activity outside – we practised tennis and basketball, enjoyed large scale mark making and set up a toy and bike wash station. Thank you for ensuring your child has sunscreen and a sunhat in this lovely sunny weather.

In PKC, we explored Greek Mythology. The children learnt that myths are stories that were told by people in ancient times and that they sometimes have gods or people with special powers. Myths are stories that didn’t actually happen but people told them to help explain things. We discussed the myth of Prometheus, which prompted some very interesting discussions – was Prometheus right to disobey Zeus and steal the fire? Is helping others a justification for taking things without permission? Could Prometheus have tried harder to persuade Zeus to help humans?

In this week’s PHSE lesson, we learnt the pants rules, listened to the story of Pantosaurus and enjoyed the song.